

  1. Vi tutorial
    Vi commands and examples.

  2. Linux file permission
    Explains about file permissions in Linux, the effect and how to change them.

  3. awk
    Guide on how to use awk command.

  4. C language tutorial
    This site could help us to learn C language.

  5. Securing Operating System
    It explains about techniques/practices to enhance the OS security.

  6. Unix/Linux File System
    This site explains about linux file system in general, directory structure, how to mount and unmount file system, useful commands for navigating the file system.
  7. C Pointers
    We can learn basics of C pointers with this site, like how to initialize pointers, types of pointers, using pointer for array and string, advantage and also disadvantage of pointers.

  8. Virtual Memory
    It explains about virtual memory in operating systems, demand paging, and page replacement algorithms.

  9. Belady’s Anomaly It explains about Belady’s Anomaly, a phenomenon where increasing the numbers of page frames results in an increase in the number of page faults.

  10. fork() in C
    This site explains about fork() in C language with code examples and its explanation.

  11. Strategies for Handling Deadlock
    This site explains strategies to handlle deadlock. Although it only explains the outlines, you can explore more from the left bar index.

  12. Differences Between Semaphore and Mutex
    It explains points of semaphore and mutex differences.

  13. Multiple Processor Scheduling
    It explains about multiple processor schedulin in operating systems.

  14. Linux From Scratch
    It really helps to build linux from scratch.

  15. BIOS vs UEFI
    This site explains about differences between BIOS and UEFI.

It explains about RAID.